WATCH: Colorado Fire Department Rescues Blind Horse from Drowning

A blind horse named Lacy could have drowned after getting stuck in some flowing water in northern Colorado. Thankfully, the Poudre Fire Authority’s (PFA’s) Large Animal Rescue Team stepped in to help. Rescuing a blind horse wasn’t easy, but this story has a happy ending.

Over the weekend, PFA responders got a call about a horse up to her shoulders in flowing water. A firefighter entered the water and put a harness on Lacy to help bring her to safety. The team guided the animal downstream where the banks weren’t as steep.

In a series of posts to X, PFA says they had veterinary staff on hand to help them keep Lacy calm and safe. They soon learned the horse was exhausted and wouldn’t be able to climb to safety on her own.

“Lacy, already tired, did not have the strength to exit [the water] on her own even with the assistance from responders, and laid down after a short attempt,” PFA wrote on X. “Responders comforted her and she received sedation. The team made a new plan to secure her further & pull Lacy up with a winch system.”

The PFA responders successfully pulled Lacy to safety and stayed with her until the sedation wore off. “She suffered several cuts and scrapes on her legs but seemed to quickly put the rescue behind her with the help of some fresh hay and loving strokes,” PFA said.

Watch first responders rescue a blind horse in Colorado here:

Bravo to this team of first responders and veterinarians.

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