Florida Nest Cam Tragedy: Both Baby Eagles Have Died

Bald eagle nest cams are fun to watch, especially after little eaglets hatch. But nest cams show the real world, and the real world isn’t always kind to wild animals. In southwest Florida, a popular nest camera showcased this reality when two baby eagles died within a few days of each other.

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It’s not yet clear why the eaglets, called E24 and E25, died. One eaglet, E24, showed signs of distress just minutes before passing, according to the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam Facebook page. Days later, E25 began having seizures and fell from the nest.

“This is uncharted territory for our cameras and viewers,” Southwest Florida Eagle Cam said in a post sharing the sad news. “We will keep the cameras streaming to continue to observe the health of M15 & F23 [the parents].”

See the posts sharing the news after the baby eagles died here:

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