Family Picnic Gone Wrong: Mountain Lion Mauls Young Boy

Parents of a young child lived a nightmare on Sunday at Malibu Creek State Park in southern California. According to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), a family group of several children and about six adults were enjoying a picnic when a mountain lion mauled a five-year-old boy. He sustained serious but non-life-threatening injuries, according to CDFW.

The children were playing near the family’s picnic bench when the mountain lion mauled the boy. CDFW reports: “One or more adults charged at the lion, and it released the boy. Multiple witnesses saw the attack and observed the mountain lion climb up a nearby tree.”

Responding authorities included not only CDFW wildlife officers but also California State Parks rangers, Los Angeles County Sheriff Deputies, National Park Service personnel, and Los Angeles Fire and Rescue. The agencies found the mountain lion in the same tree it climbed after the attack, and they euthanized it.

Emergency personnel transported the injured boy to a local medical center for treatment. CDFW says the boy has recovered and was able to go home yesterday.

See the news coverage of the mauling here:

In the event a mountain lion attack, the National Park Service suggests making yourself appear big, loud, and intimidating. Raise your arms and your voice. Throw objects in the animal’s direction but not directly at it.

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